The following hardware components are used:
- Wheel base: SimuCUBE based OSW kit (MiGE 130ST-M15015 30Nm 10000ppr (40000cpr)), Direct Drive
- Wheel rim:
- modified Fanatec CS Porsche 918 RSR &
- modified Fanatec CS Formula Carbon
- Pedals: Fanatec CS Pedals V3 inverted
- Shifter:
- Button Boxes:
- Wireless Keyboard Logitech MK330
- Logitech M570 Trackball Mouse
Wheel base/rim details
More details about the Open Sim Wheel including the modifications for the Fanatec wheel rims to reuse it with Fanaleds.
- XSimulater Open Simwheel
- OSW Thread @ Virtual-Racing.org (German)
- Ascher-Racing
- Fanatec Wheel Rims for DD Wheel Thread @ Virtual-Racing.org (German)
- BoxThisLap DIY ... or not
- Open Sim Wheel Wiki
- Using Teensy Loader
- Configuring MMos for SimCUBE
The orders for the modification of the Fanatec wheel rims
I ordered a Teensy LC, 8 pin mini/micro connector and an USB spiral cable for each of my wheels.
Setup Fantec Wheel Rim(s)
Step 1: Disasample the wheel rim and flash Teensy LC
Step 2: Solder the cables
Step 3: Connect it to your PC and test it with Fanaleds
Step 4: Isolate Teensy LC
Step 5: Stow everything in the wheel rim and assemble it